What disturbs you? Is it light? Is it this strange noise coming from the apartment next door? Tell him it is back. Tell him it is still alive. The Beast in me.
.em ot tsol era stnemom lufituaeB
.sella rebeu dnalgnE, dnalgnE
.dooH niboR ton ma I hguoht neve sthgit neerg gniraeW
.ytinasni ot rood eht nepO
.emit deen I ,snoitcurtsni deen ton od I
.secruos ym edih ot gniyrT
.gnitiaw fo derit ma I
.tuo yaw on si ereht emit siht ylno ,niaga tip sselmottob a nI
.ssel rof elttes reven ot flesym desimorp I
.eloH kcalB rehtona deen ew htraE eht yortsed oT
.edir eht yojne did I, rehtorb uoy llet nac I dna ynitseD fo esroh eht ffo tog tsuJ
.retsasid a neve ebyam ,eno drah a saw sihT
.tseb eht for s'it wonk d'uoy oS .doG ,uoY rof muc I muc I emit yrevE